Thursday, February 11, 2010

my interesting inventory

the color of my room, a depressing blue, so dark that black would make me more happy.
My bed facing west to east, I would have it north to south because my dad say's the polar magnetics pull you from the north and south, "so if you sleep north and south you'll be taller each morning." This is what he used to say to me, thanks Dad! my epithet is Little Legs, polar magnetics is a joke! and there's a giant window facing north which is cold to sleep under in Montana winters. Next to my bed, on the south side a wicker basket with all my crocheted hats and hooks. Next to that my great grandmothers chair, a puke yellow only a great grandma, grandma, and great and grand daughter could love. On top of the chair is the crocheted blanket my grandmother made years before I was even a thought. On the ground next to the chair is a box full of clothing I wore-out in high school that I am trying to detach myself from so I can get rid of them. From there a dusty TV on the east wall, with my father's Christmas present, The Koran, resting on top of the dust box. My closet, a mess of colors and shoes, weights so I can pump my iron, and my other grandma's Singer Sowing Machine. From there under that north facing window, my dresser I got from a elderly lady I worked with after she died, on top of that a plant I adopted next to the plant are my jewelry boxes filled with Grandma Juanita and Grandma Shirley's jewelry, not the good stuff, my mom has that. From there Slinky's bed is tucked in the corner, with tiny pruning holes all over it. Next to her a bedside stand with a 45 caliber handgun resting on top. Above the gun, a plaque with a cartoon girl picking pedals off a daisy, with the phrase "I love you, I love you not, I love you...Because of you a Daisy died today." This concludes the tour of my bedroom and the inventory of my life. Looking back now, my stuff is kind of interesting.


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