Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Day of Hogs and Grounds

So it's funny how life works, and your internal clock is more on than the one placed by your bedside. For the past few weeks, I kept waking up exactly at 5:55 am. No matter how many vodka soda's I had had the night before, no matter how late the episode of Californication ran. 5:55...5:55...5:55...Then yesterday, nothing, no 5:55, no 6:00, there was no 6:30, and there was no 7:00. my day was slipping away while I rested my eyes. At 8:00am panic! Rush downstairs, throw food in the dog bowls, grab my backpack and head out over the icy tundra that Lincoln runs along side of.

Wait, class starts at 9:30, always has and always will, at least until May. How could a day devoted to repetition, be so screwed up that my repetition was lost in my slumber? I knew then that it was going to be a good day. And in the end, after a pitcher of Guinness with Tai in honor of Joyce's 128th birthday, and Bill Murray's survival of the repetition, and a bite with Bri at Stacy's bar. I recapped my day by listening to none other than I-Cube's song "It Was a Good Day"

Please go home and enjoy the recap of your day while being serenaded by a great player of the game--I Cube.

I can only hope that today will be better than the last.


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