Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Matrix, I want to Believe.

It's been a while for Emergent blogging, but hey sometime the inspired can't always be inspired.
I've never seen The Matrix and you know, I'm not upset with that, I'm actually very ok with that. And watching a few clips here and there of it was ok, but I don't need to go add it to my netflix list in order to be enlightened or have my epiphanic moment.

What is the Matrix? In order for me to answer this question do I need to see the entire movie? I hope not, because the only time I ever want to see Keanu acting like an idiot is in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and be reminded of why San Demis High School Rules. But what I got from "the matrix" and what everyone was saying in class is that it's the real world. And if it is the real world, how do we know we are in the real world and not a dream? And if we are in a dream we cannot control what is going on around us. But if we are in reality can we then control our surroundings? Well I would say to an extent of course we can control that which surrounds us, but that goes for dreaming too. In Lucid Dreams there is the ability to control what happens. In fact there are actually eye pads that go over the sleepers eye and help you to control what is actually going on in your state of unconscious. To control lucid dreams is to control your own personal reality. For dreams are just an extension of our lives outside of "dreams."

If it is true that we are all asleep and in order for us to understand "the matrix" we must wake up, then why sleep in the first place? Why am I tired? Why do I feel the need to take naps, if I already am sleeping? I understand that yeah I'm asleep to the truth of the world, and that I cannot comprehend all that is happening because I am only using 1-10% of my brain, but it all sounds like a joke to me. Maybe it's Keanu's make surfer boys cool accent that gets me so angry and uninspired by the whole idea of "the Matrix" or maybe it's the fact that I really am asleep and Krishna is trying to pinch me to wake me up. But it seems as though if we are able to hold a conversation such as the ones we are having in class and on these real, yet not real blogs then we are actually in reality and we are aware of the what the matrix actually is.

You know when I think of topics like "the matrix," dreams, reality, being asleep, waking up, etc. I always remember the poster hanging in Fox Mulder's office in the show X-Files:
I want to believe that I'm asleep and that if I can just wake myself up, I will be enlightened and yet wish I had never woken up in the first place. But it is hard, am I resiting truth? Because like another great X-Files reference:
And yeah the truth is out there, we just need to find it. And if the truth is the Matrix well then I guess I have to believe, not want to believe. But what is truth? Isn't truth just everything that isn't false? And what is false?--is it the fact that we are talking about intangible things, and merely thoughts and theories that makes up the concept of false and truth? If the truth is out there, where is there? and what is out if we don't have an in? And if I want to believe don't I have to be a disbeliever is something as well? But what would that something be? Oh Mulder and Scully save me from the the non-believers, and the believers, the true and the false of life.


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