Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Storytelling Paper

Storytelling is a major part of every culture. We should all be aware that Language and Culture go together hand in hand and that without one, the other is lost...language is usually the first to die off, which in our cases should be a tragedy due to the fact language is what we have spend thousands of dollars on in order to get a piece of paper with language of our culture on it.

In many Native cultures, storytelling is a teaching.  Lessons, histories, family, and the self all reside in stories. They guide us to enlightenment and sometimes beyond. For my paper I want to look at the transformation we make when telling and hearing stories; how stories can make us immortal but the storyteller is the most important part of the story, because without him/her the story cannot be told. 

The idea is not that well put together at the moment but I want to focus on The Following Story, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, The 4 Quartets, and The Bhagavad-Gita (these might change a little as my thoughts sit and stir in my mind)

I want to explore the idea that dreaming is a form of storytelling and that many times the dreams are the echos of epiphanies that we have missed in everyday life, such as in Burnt Norton. 

I know this is really rough, but I have been surrounded by the art of storytelling my entire life, and even more since I've moved to Montana and become involved in the NAS program here, that it seems fitting to end on something that has surrounded me from my beginning.  


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